Ch.18 - Find Your Way

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My mother comes dashing down the stairs when she hears my fathers voice.

"GENESIS! OH MY GOSH! THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE HOME! OH MY BABY!!! " She cries, running to embrace me with a hug. She seemed way more worried than she could ever seem upset with me. "I SAID... where have you been? " My father interrupts. Without even giving me a chance to give him an answer, he begins ranting. "Stephanie told me that you spent the night at her place, but something tells me that was a LIE! AND you didn't even show up for any of your classes! " He shouts. "And before you can even lie and say you did and left early, which was what Stephanie and Alena BOTH lied and told me, I over heard a group of girls talking about how you and that GOOD FOR NOTHING BOY both didn't show up for any of your classes today and how you two might've been together! " He continues to yell and explain, approaching me. "Charles !" My mother exclaims, trying to get him to quiet down.

"You're doing all of this because of that boy aren't you ?!" My dad continuously accuses. "HE'S THE REASON YOU KEEP MAKING THESE POOR FUCKING DECISIONS ISN'T HE?! " He finally asks. "CHARLES !" My mom shouts, finally shutting him up. "ENOUGH! " she finalizes.

What was once my worries, have now turned into anger. The respect I once had for my father was slipping through the cracks of the earth as everyday went by. "You think you know so much about the daughter that's 'not yours' huh dad? " I throw back in his face. "You don't know a DAMN thing when it comes to my life anymore." I calmly state. "Excuse me ?!" He exclaims, but I no longer cared.

"Little do you know, Devin had absolutely NOTHING to do with me not attending any of my classes today. I was the one who woke up and decided that I wasn't going to go. NOT HIM! " I continue. "And so what if my best friends lied for me. That's what best friends do. They didn't even know why I didn't show up for school, but they care about me and didn't want me to get in trouble Charles. I'm sure you've had friends back in the day that would've done the same for you." I disrespectfully mention. "GENESIS !" My mom shouts, gasping at the way I was talking to my father. "NO mom! I'm tired of being shut down! You guys want to know why I've been making all these "poor decisions ?" Huh? It's because you keep trying to control me. You guys are failing to realize that I'm not a kid anymore. Who I fall for or have relations with is NONE of your business! You both have in your minds that by force, you can stop Devin and I from seeing each other when in reality, that's NOT going to happen." I inform them.

I could tell by the look on my fathers face, that he was furious. None of that mattered to me in that moment.

"Give me your keys! You no longer have a car to say you're driving anywhere. You need a ride? Ask your uncle or mother, but the hot wheels are GONE! The partying? DONE FOR! You hear me? " He angrily expresses, snatching my car keys out of my hand. "Give that back! " I shout at him, chasing him into the dining area. My dad turns around and shoves me. "My house! MY FUCKING RULES! Don't like it? FIND YOUR OWN PLACE! Everything you have is because of ME! Not Stephanie, not Alena, NOT DEVIN! You don't want to listen to me? Let him buy you a car to get around! " He roars. My mother stands off to the side, panting. Clueless of what to do next.

"What!? Are you fucking serious!? " I scream, trying to snatch my keys back. Charles lifts his hands in the air slightly behind his head. "I'm so dead serious Gen. SO SERIOUS! " He yells, restraining me from getting close to him.

In the midst of my dad and I arguing, one of the biggest nuisances of them all, makes his way down the stairs. "Mom, what the hell is going on? " Jeremy asks, looking to my dad and I and then back to my mom. My mom rushes towards him and urges that he returns to his room, but he resists. "Dad! What's with all the yelling ?" He then asks, still calm and confused.

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