Ch.22 - Dead To Me

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Jeremey takes off without saying a single word. *Back door slams*

In the midst of their make out, Samarah breaks the kiss. "No! No! We can't do this Christian!" She murmurs, pushing him off of her. Christian is confused. "What the hell! Are you out of your mind!? " Samarah then shouts at him. "Very much so. We know this." He nonchalantly replies. "It's NOT funny! " She yells at him. "To be fair you kissed me first...I think." He answers, still giggling and wiping her lipstick off of his lips. "WHY would you kiss me back! And the way you just took my clothes off like that! That was-...that was...THAT WAS INSANE!" She hesitated to say.

Christian rolls his eyes at her. "Clearly you liked it and second, you were crying." He says to her. "What does that even mean? " She asks him. "I HATE listening to women cry. The only way I know how to stop that shit is know..." He tells her. Samarah is shocked by his response. "You are literally insane you know that?" She tells him. Christian goes to grab his belongings and head back upstairs. Before he could get halfway up, Samarah blurts out... "I think you should leave! This has gotten way out of hand." Staring down at the carpet, which she stood on. Christian turns around in confusion and instant irritation. "What ??" He asks her, dashing back down the stairs.

Samarah takes a deep breath as he approaches her again. "I don't think you should stay here anymore...with us. You need to tomorrow night." She further explains. "You're serious right now? " Christian then asks her. "Very." She replies. Christian smirks and chuckles to himself. "You know what. You're right. Who am I to fight you on it. I'll make sure my things are packed up by sunrise and I'll just explain to Charles what happened. Don't even worry about it." He informs her, walking past her.

Samarah grabs him by the arm. "Wait a minute! I don't think telling Charles is a good idea. He'd kill us both!" She tries to tell him. Christian pulls away from her. "Nothing I can't handle." He mumbles. "Please! I-...I think you should just let me handle this." She begs. "Sorry, but no can do Sam." He says to her. "Why not!?" She interrogates. "Because unlike you and my brother, I can own up to my mistakes. Not run away from them and make my problem someone else's. I face them! I'm not a fucking coward. And most importantly, I don't wait for opportunities to point the finger at the next person when I'm just as wrong. Something you both should try." He expresses with full blown annoyance. Samarah is speechless. Christian looks at her from the corner of his eyes and turns away from her. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to pack." He mumbles.

As he walks away from and heads back towards the stairs, he stands in place and says... "And Sam? " She doesn't answer, but he could feel her eyes on him. "This is all on you." He states, taking off.

Once he was out of sight, Samarah breaks down. "What the hell have I done?!" She says to herself.


Samarah locks herself in the room. She pulls out her phone to check the time. "Oh my! Jeremy called me fifteen times! Something must be wrong with Genesis!" She shouts to herself.


She tries calling back several times, but no answer. By this time Samarah is angry and panicking, so she grabs her belongings and makes her way to the hospital.


*Charles is racing through the hospital halls*

He reaches Genesis' room. "Jeremy! I got here as fast as I could! What's going on?! How is she?!" Charles asks him, rushing over to her bedside. Jeremy takes a minute to respond. "She's fine, but she's sleeping now." He says. Charles looks at his daughter and back to his son. "What did she say when she woke up? Did she remember anything? " Charles continues to ask. Jeremy answers without giving his dad any form of eye contact. "She was a bit groggy and a little confused...but you'd expect that from someone who just woke up from an eleven day coma. She'll be like that for a few days the doctor said."

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