Ch.12 - Old Thing Back

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You have GOT to be fucking kidding me.

"Why the long face Gen? You're not happy to see me? " He had the nerve to say. "Not in the slightest way. What the hell are you doing here Ty? " I ask, grumbling every word. "Had to show up for this party tonight. I heard it would really be like that." He answers.

I wasn't happy in the slightest bit. "Out of all places,  you decide to show up in New Jersey for a big party and you live nine and a half hours away..." I doubtfully state. "You're pathetic." I snark.

*Ty begins to laugh*

"Pathetic how? I didn't just 'SHOW' up for a party Genesis. I've actually been in the city for a few days now." he says. "Why?? " I ask him. "I don't know...I think I want to move back." He mentions with a big smile. "Wait wait wait wait wait want to do what now? " I ask, surprised by the words that exited his mouth. "You heard me sexy." He flirts, flashing a bright smile, emphasizing the depth of his dimples.

Can my life get any more twisted than it already is? Why is all of this happening to me of all people??

"Why so sudden? " I then ask him, trying to make sense of it all. "To be honest, I just wasn't feeling life in the south. I've missed the city life all to well....not to mention....You." He states, gently grabbing my hands and kissing them. I immediately pull my hands away.

"Now all of a sudden you've missed me. How stupid do you really think I am Tyion? " I ask. "I have been missing you. Never did I say you were stupid nor do I think you are." he answers hastily. "You obviously do think I am when we both know that we're still friends on every social media platform! I see different posts with numerous girls and you tonguing them all down at parties. For Christ sake you have a BABY on the way! " I shout. "THAT I'M NOT WITH!! " He exclaims, as if it would make it better. "But you WEREEEE!!! YOU WERE WITH HER!!! WHILE WE WERE SUPPOSEDLY STILL TOGETHER!!!" I scream in his face.

My voice echoed throughout the streets. "You didn't waste any time at all after moving away..... You threw our relationship to shit...NOT me. And you thought what? Coming back here was going to make me forgive you and take you back?? " I ask, getting both emotional and angry.

I fought to hold back my tears as much as I could. Ty steps closer to me and tries to hug me, but I push his away. "Look Genesis, I know I did some stupid things while we were together and after, but you've got to believe me when I say I wasn't in the right space. Everything I did was harmless in my eyes baby." He pleaded. "I'm not your fucking baby! " I grunt.

*Genesis takes a deep breath* "I broke up with you for being an unfaithful bastard. Instead of you taking that time to get yourself together and make things took that opportunity to screw around with every female you could and now you're expecting me to just forget about all of that and take you back." I painfully express to him. As always, he made me feel like I was wrong and crazy. "That's not true Gen and I know you know that." he doubted. "Besides, I'm a single man now." He had the nerve to say.

"Yo Genesis." Someone says in the most unsettling tone. My first instinct was to turn around. To my surprise it was Devin again. "Devin...What are you.." I go on to ask, wondering how he found me. "Who the fuck is this cat ?" Ty interrupts. I could tell Devin was upset. "How did you-..." I try to ask, but Devin then interrupts me. "Don't worry about who I am. Who the fuck are you? " Devin asks, walking up to me and grabbing me by the waist and keeping me close to him.

My heart raced uncontrollably, my nerves were bas, and suddenly I was speechless as the two exchanged words.

"I'm her boyfriend, now wassup?!" Ty answers angrily. Devin and I both look at each other. I could feel the anger radiating from his body and stares. "NO he's not! " I shout, then turning to look at Ty in disgust. "He's my ex-boyfriend." I mumble. "Enough of the shit Genesis, who the hell is this guy ?" Ty asks me. I break away from Devin's arms. I turn to look at Devin while standing in the middle of the two.

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