Ch.19 - The Truth Shall Set You Free

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Devin is startled by my appearance. "Genesis! " He exclaims. I couldn't understand why he and Keilan both looked at me in such shock, but part of me didn't care enough to ask.

"I'll catch up with you later Dev. I'm going to go see what Zay's doing inside." Keilan says aloud. He creeps up behind Devin and whispers something in his ear. Something I couldn't hear.


"I won't tell you what to do bro, or what to say, but do what's right. You and I both know that you need to tell her. I will say not to tell her now... or tonight in general, but someday, sooner than later, you know you'll have to." Keilan whispers to Devin. Devin gives a small, barely noticeable head nod without breaking eye contact with Genesis.


I walk up to him and hug him tightly, kissing him gently almost immediately after Keilan walks away. "Hey you! " I playfully greet him. He stares at me with the most hungry eyes. "Mmmm. Yo fine ass! " He growls.

He sweeps me off my feet and spins me around a few times

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He sweeps me off my feet and spins me around a few times. Once my feet were touching the ground again, he pulls me in close for another hug. Inhaling the scent of my perfume doused on my skin, he grips my waist tightly, leaving trails of soft kisses along my neck. "I've missed you so much." He whispers to me. Butterflies swarmed the inside of my stomach. "How much? " I ask him, closing my eyes, taking in all the physical contact I was receiving from him. Enjoying it while it lasted. "I can show you better than I can tell you." He mumbles, giggling in the midst.

Devin nudges me to start walking in the direction of all the parked cars while attacking any part of my body that he could with his lips as we picked up the pace.

Hearing the words "I missed you " replayed over and over in my head. It was something about it that felt so surreal. Could that mean he had feelings for me too? That I was more than just a quick fuck to him?

"YOOO! Parties inside! Where the hell are y'all going?! " zay yells from the front door. "Every time! " I grunt. "Every fucking time." Devin grunts as well. We both glare at Zay standing with his arms folded, glaring right back at us. "Come on. Let's go." Devin suggests, grabbing me by the hand so that we could head back to the function.


Devin and I danced and drank together throughout the entire night, along with some of his friends. The night was going so smooth. There was no drama, everyone was getting along, the music moved through our bodies. It was just a great time. Everything was going so perfect. I was more than satisfied with coming out to Zay's party. I can truthfully say that he did his big one putting this together.

Devin stands in front of me. His now slender eyes were solely focused on mine. "Genesis. There's something I need to ask you. But before I do that, I just want to say that you really look so beautiful tonight. I cant help but want to rip your clothes off right now." He utters oh so sweetly. Goose bumps covered my arms at the thought of him undressing me. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe I'd just never get used to being sexualized by him. In good ways that is.

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