Ch. 24 - Need To Know

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The funeral was private. The only people allowed to attend were immediate family members and some of Riccas men. My father didn't want to draw attention to what was going on in case my mother was still a target.

My father stood motion and emotionless as he watched the dirt fall on my uncles casket. Everyone stood still and in silence, although the tears were were falling hard. It's almost as if they were forbidden to actually feel their emotions, but you could tell that all they wanted to do was fall to their knees. The pain in my heart was too much to bare as I looked around. I couldn't hold back my screams any longer. The last time I saw him, spoke to him, laughed with him, hugged him....was the night of my accident. I was supposed to die that night, but I didn't. I should have. All that ran through my mind was that God spared me just so that he could take him; Christian Santiago , my only uncle from my father who was basically a second father figure to me.

"WHYYYYY!!! *Genesis breaks down and begins to weep loudly*  "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?! It's NOT FAIR! IT'S NOT FAIRRRR!!! NOOO!!" I screamed to the top of my lungs.

Two of my uncles men walk over to me and pick me up from the ground. My father turns his head and signals that they take me to the car. "NOOOO!!! PLEASEEE!! I NEEDED YOUUU HEREE!!" I continue to holler, balling my eyes out as they walked away with me.

Once his casket was fully covered, Charles kneeled down to smooth out the lumps of dirt. He stands back up. Everyone else rests their flowers carefully on Christians grave and give their last goodbyes.

*Samarah approaches Charles from behind*

"Charles....Are you coming? " She asks him. *Charles doesn't budge*

"I need more time..." He utters. "I need to be alone right now." He adds. Samarah nods her head and kisses his shoulder before walking away.


"Damn you always find a way to make me talk to you again. I should've answered the phone. I should've answered the fucking phone!"  *Charles begins to weep*

"Why did you have to go and die on me like that baby brother?? Protecting MY family because I didn't..." *Sniffles* "Mom and dad would hate me so much if they were here. It should've been me...It was...It was supposed to be me..." Charles cries. "I never even got a chance to take back and apologize for everything I said to you that night. I never meant any of it Chris. I swear I didn't! I hope you knew that baby bro....I was so mad. I-...I- was so hurt that I-...I allowed myself not to be there for you how you've always been there for me. I wasn't there in your final moments and I'm so fucking sorry Christian! *Charles falls to his knees again, bawling his eyes out* I'm so sorryyy!!"

Every since Christian passed, Charles had been walking around every single day blaming himself for everything that happened. He knew that if he had only picked up the phone, things would've been different. Someone might've gotten injured, but neither of them would've been dead.

"DAMNITTTT!!!!!!" Charles roars throughout the grave yard, crushing the flower he held in his hand.

His tears began to fall even harder.

"I'm the big brother...not you. I was supposed to protect you no matter what even if it costed me my life! It was never supposed to be the other way around. I failed! I failed!! I failed as a son, a brother, a father and a husband as well. Now it feels like I'm failing at life and you're no longer here to help me! " He continued to cry. "Come back! PLEASEEE! I need you!" Charles whimpered.

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