Ch.3 - Truth Untold

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What the kind of kickback is this? After walking in, I realized that in this huge house, there was barely any room to move around. If I'm not mistaken, kickbacks are supposed to be small. There were people in every direction you turned.  Deep down, I had hoped there was going to be just a few people that would show up since I was still unfamiliar with majority of the people in my class. "This place is packed! I thought there would be less people here." I whisper to Stephanie.

"Maybe a party on a weekday was something they wanted to do after all." she stated. "Yeah, no shit." I grumbled.


"Look who's here! " Zay yelled. I have absolutely no idea how he was even able to spot me in the midst of all these people. Right next to him stood Devin in a black muscle tee. I hadn't noticed before that he had a few tattoos on one of his arms and hand. To his right, stood the other friend. I believe he said his name was Keilan. "Watch out, I have to attend to my special guests now." Zay expresses with joy.

"This man really believes that he has a chance with this girl." Devin mumbles to Keilan. "I'm putting 100 down that he'll make himself look dumb." Keilan replies. "Make that 2." Devin says, stirring up laughter between them both.

"Genesis !!" zay calls out while approaching Steph and I. We both turn to face him. "Glad you made it! " He exclaims. I flashed the fakest smile. "I was...I don't know .... expecting WAY less, but It's pretty sweet in here." I tell him. "Is that so? " He asks, enthusiastically. "Wellwhat's important here, is that YOU came." he adds.

Me?? Now what type of game was he playing at? Steph whispers in my ear. "He's definitely not my type." I giggle just a bit.

"Can I get you two a drink? " He asks us. "Sure, I guess." I reply, following behind him along with Steph.


Everyone talked and talked and talked and talked. It was just a little too much talking for my liking. I thought to myself, damn! It feels like he's been running his mouth for hours. "Sums up what happens when I usually throw parties." he mentions. If only he was able to recognize how much I really didn't give a damn about how great his parties usually are.

"Wow! That's so...good for you! " I sarcastically state. "I mean hey. Tonight, might be more fun than those stories." he states, winking a numerous number of times like a weirdo. All I knew was that for his sake, he had better not try to make a move on me.... let alone think about it.

"Perfect! You're here." zay says looking past my head. I glance behind me to see Devin standing in the entrance of the room in which we stood in. "what? " He says, looking a little confused. Steph's cheeks were as red as can be. I could tell just by looking at her that she thought Devin was madly attractive. Could I blame her? She doesn't even know I know him... well know of him to some extent. Alena was the only one around when I met him, so I haven't had the chance to catch Steph up. It truly slipped my mind.

"I need you to do me a favor bro." zay says to him. "Depends on what that favor is." Devin replies. "Can you keep Genesis' friend here company while she and I disappear for a little bit." zay follows up. "I need to show her something."

I choked on my drink and turned to zay. "Say what now" I ask him. "Relax, you'll see." he answered. "I mean if you're willing of course! " He added.

I gave him a blank stare. "I mean I guess." Devin utters. "I Appreciate it man! " Zay responds, winking at Devin. I looked back at him with widened eyes. Why the hell would he say yes!? "Let's go Gen." zay says to me, pulling my arm in the opposite direction of dev and Steph.

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