I. Communication

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One of the most important things we learn in school is communication. We share and exchange information with the people around us while getting acquainted to each other's personalities and experiences.
However, not everyone is able to practice good communication skills.
Have you ever had arguments with someone? Remember how it all started and what eventually resolved your conflicts.
We usually resort to finger-pointing, talking smack behind one another and neither of us want to settle our differences. There are also instances of canceling out on those whom we dislike. We're completely stuck showing everyone who's boss that nobody bothered to figure out why our peers think or speak in a certain way.
Imagine meeting an online friend from Sweden. Everything is all fine and dandy until your friend made a snarky comment about your favorite Korean dramas. To you, she was very condescending so you called her an arrogant bully. Your friend doesn't understand why you're mad at her. You just cut ties with her without bothering to hear her out.
Listening to others is also good communication skills. If we're just going to listen to ourselves and like-minded individuals, you'll have a hard time establishing potential relationships in the future. You can't always talk to your circle of friends who got your back 24/7. The world can take you to a whole different place where you could speak to people who are out of your league.
If you're a parent who does all the talking, your kid won't be able to reason with you. Try to hear each other out even if you don't see eye to eye.
We are given eyes, lips and ears for a reason. No matter who you are and how old you are, everybody deserves to be heard.

1) When met with disagreements or different opinions, listen and don't take it as a personal attack against you.

2) Give others a chance to speak. Don't interrupt or shush them.

3) Raising your voice just to get your point across only leads to arguments.

4) Learn to talk out your differences even with those outside your circle.

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