XII. War & Conflicts

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When I first watched Mr. Rogers talk about war on TV, he talks about why there is war everywhere. To those who don't know, he was a popular children's host since the 1960's.
In the show's words, war happens when one side wanted to appear much stronger than the other. When two nations have conflicts, they resort to violence instead of talking about the issue at hand. They never think of how much damage they've caused.
Do you have loved ones in the military? If you happen to witness war firsthand, how do you think it affected you?
When the news of the U.S.-Iran Conflict exploded at the start of 2020, humanity was already on edge. Everyone thought it's going to be the end of the world. There are nuclear weapons involved. Many able-bodied men enlist in the military to fight in the Middle East.
Imagine a scenario involving a young ten-year-old asking his parents about why these things happen. The parents quickly switch the channel so he won't have to witness the news surrounding the war. Nobody wished to answer his question.
Again, when are we gonna stop shielding kids from real-life problems? They can already tell what is right or wrong.
They have seen worst things such as bullying, horror movies and creepy mascots at a young age. If your kid is brave enough to survive these issues, then it is fine to discuss war with them.
Everything is political nowadays. These leaders fight over who gets to rule everything. They see each other as a threat.
Their different beliefs clash to the point it's already impossible to resolve their conflict. It can go as far as rewriting history to paint the other side as the real enemy.
This is a dishonor to the victims of war who never got the chance to speak the truth. Nowadays, we have the Internet to offer us the truth of what actually happened throughout history.

Growing up, you learn that this is wrong. War is never the answer.
The only way to have peace is to introduce responsible leaders who know what is good for all people.
That way, we can prevent history from repeating itself.

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