XIII. Criticism vs. Opinions

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A professional would know that criticism is a nice feedback that helps you improve in some way. Telling an artist that she need to work on her head anatomy is a good example of criticism. Being told how your pronunciation in Swedish sucks is also criticism.
It is very grating to hear a person say they are spared from criticism. There are professional writers and artists who still receive criticism. Your approach to what is said to you determines your progress. It is fine to ignore criticism which doesn't suit you but always stay humble. Those with ego problems attack these critics. They always make excuses about why they don't deserve it. A good person typically knows how to take it well.
I also wish we don't confuse hurtful comments as criticism. Calling someone "ugly" and "stupid" is unacceptable. These critics aren't any better either. Some of them go as far as shame these people if they get upset or disagree with them.
Opinions, on the other hand, is a personal comment based on one's interests and views. It shouldn't be considered a fact. Similar to criticism, we can all disagree with it.
Hearing a Japanese artist talk about how weird foreigners are can be traced from her own experience with non-Japanese people. Just because a friend has a different opinion about a certain guy, it doesn't mean she hates you for liking the guy.
The next time you have met a critic who says that your works literally caused him diarrhea to express his disapproval, don't forget to thank him later and send a doctor's appointment for him.

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