XXIV. Respect

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A wise man once said: "Respect is earned." If you want people to respect you, you have to give them the reason why you deserve said respect. Respect shows how much you deserved to be treated as a human being.
It's a shame that showing respect mostly translates to "agreeing with a supposed tyrant."
A lot of adults teach kids good character. It is understandable they'll be disappointed if you did something wrong and talked back at them. Now here's the issue. If a kid tries to point out what the grownups did wrong, it is considered "disrespectful." So it's fine for adults to talk trash and hurt their kids as a form of discipline?
Another instance is a public figure who is supposed to be a good role model. Who wouldn't respect a CEO or professor? However, they let their status get to their heads as they treat others below them like garbage. In their delusional mind, they're right while the others are wrong.
It doesn't matter how old or whoever you are. You don't just get respect like it's some random badge. Everyone respects a person who considers the feelings of others, remains humble and works hard to better oneself. The person listens to reason whenever necessary.
What kind of respect do these people want? "Respect me as a person" or "Respect me like an authority"?

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