IV. Mental Health

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Author's Note: This chapter discusses sensitive topics related to mental health. If you are suffering from mental issues or happen to know someone who does, go talk to a close friend, professional or relative. Call the nearest emergency hotline in your location for help.

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When people hear about mental issues, they think about individuals who are a threat to society and considered dysfunctional. They fear it might be contagious like some sort of plague. WHAAAAAT?!
I don't really like judging someone, but they seem to be those narrow-minded conservatives who put on earplugs whenever you try to reason with them.
Mental health is not negative but a serious matter which needs to be taught in schools, media. institutions and the community to clear out these misconceptions.
Do you know why those suffering from depression, eating disorders, addiction and antisocial behavior vent out their troubles online? They want us to listen to them. Nobody can actually interrupt or silence them. They can talk about their experiences with others anonymously.
In countries like Japan and South Korea, mental health is a very taboo subject since they live in a conservative society where people are made to conform as a collective.
It is a complete opposite from Western countries where anyone can talk about it without consequences.
Another mistake is reminding people with mental illness that something is actually wrong with them. Don't be surprised if an individual with antisocial behavior freaks out after being called a maniac.
Telling a friend or sibling who is mentally-drained to "turn to God, be grateful for whatever they have and be positive" like you do is unhelpful.
Each individual has their own set of quirks. They see the world differently. Mental health encourages us to understand people's feelings no matter how old they are.
Don't blame them, make assumptions or judgments. Never force them to do something because they must. Always support them on their journey to have a better life.

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