II. Parental Guidance

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Everyone growing up in the Philippines may be familiar with that loud iconic DING-DING-DONG sound and a woman's voice announces "Ang programang ito ay Rated PG (This program is Rated PG) ... " before airing a certain program.
It is not just on television though. The audience rating could also be applied on books, magazines, films, music videos, websites and events.
Forgive me for being cynical but let me tell you something: You can't slap in these ratings in real life. A lot of grownups are afraid to discuss real-life issues with their kids. This comes from one's beliefs, cultural background and social norms.
When you refuse to answer their qualms, they become misguided and deprived of opportunities to explore the world around them.
Another instance is suing everyone for expressing their creations including unconventional stuff. There are authors who make stories which are out-of-ordinary for young readers and challenges their minds. If you want their works to be extremely safe and sugarcoated, then you are not their main demographic.
The reason "PG" exist so adults can sit down and talk with their kids about what kind of stuff they are being exposed to.
Be wise enough to find what is right for your age and preferences. If something doesn't suit you, then you may not be the target audience.

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