III. Toxic Culture

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We live in such a toxic culture where the opinions of others are put on a pedestal. Society is extremely afraid of differences that it tries so hard to dictate how we should think or react. If someone failed to acknowledge them, it is either seen as a mental problem or personality issue.
It teaches the wrong message that you are only loved for being perfect. You loose a lot of followers and revenue because you did something they didn't like. Your date leaves you because of your mental issues. Your family stops talking to you because you fail to get a job as they expected.
They always say "'Di ka maiintindihan ng iba! (They won't understand you." No, there are going to be others who will understand you.
Here is some good advice: If you really admire someone, accept the fact they are also human who may stumble a few times. If you're planning to date someone, learn to appreciate who they really are. As for the parents, give your kids a chance and see to it that life has other plans for them.

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