XVII. Opportunities

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It's unfair to focus on the faults of someone just to determine how perfect they are. The world is often cruel to new talents especially when it's coming from a random novice. In its warped standards, these big celebrities hailing from a wealthy family are true examples of success.
These big companies don't care about how hardworking you are. That impressive resumé stating your recent experiences - including the fact you write on Wattpad - is not enough. You can't please these guys at all.
There are bound to be different opportunities for certain individuals. A student rejected by several universities due to her learning disabilities is able to sell paintings.
A college dropout makes a living on YouTube. You could be one of those crowds who go on to pursue something they never thought of.

I want to remind you all that big rejection letter from your dream school or company shouldn't define your worth.
Most of the time, we don't always get the kind of opportunity we've been looking for.
Just because you feel uncertain about the future, it doesn't mean nothing good is coming your way.

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