XXVI. Romance

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Author's Note: Take everything I say with a grain of salt. To anyone who is a fan of "Let's Play," please don't attack me for whatever I have to say about it.

Let me tell you about an interesting webcomic called "Let's Play!" by Mongie. This is a love letter to aficionados of video games and cosplay. The main character, Sam, is supposed to be this nerdy woman whom a lot of girls can relate to her. She wears glasses, ill-fitting clothes and suffers from anxiety on a personal level.
However, I began noticing how the series had forgotten what it's supposed to be. It's become another romantic drama where Sam also has a perfect body that attracted one of the most attractive guys in the story.
Why not have Sam learn to accept her unique personality and odd looks while Charles, as a parent, became inspired to tell his daughter about her?

Now you're wondering what I'm babbling about.

There is this strange mentality that all humans are born to fall in love with someone. You're a heartless creature if you didn't show interest in a person. This is clearly wrong!
It is tiresome to always see a guy win a girl's heart or a girl fawn over some hunk in front of her.
We are so used to seeing couples have their happy ending through media and books that we fail to realize it may not resonate with everybody else. It's easy for the parents to shrug it off as normal teen stuff.
There are plenty of fishes in the sea. Just because the one you have feelings for doesn't reciprocate them, it doesn't mean you are unworthy of love.

Guys, don't take it as a personal attack if some girl doesn't reciprocate your feelings. Respect their feelings instead of chasing after them and hoping they'd change their mind.

Girls, you are more than just a man's love interest. You can be happy even without a Prince Charming in yout life.

Not liking romance doesn't make you an evil person. It's important that others somehow respect how you feel.

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