NOTE (11.18.2022)

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Meow! (Hey, Dr. Express here!)

I hope everyone here is doing alright. If not, then you're not alone and I assure you that everything is gonna be alright. Haru-san told me that she has been a lot busier and barely had time to be online.
Anyway, this book will undergo some changes in giving lessons to our dear readers. We promise you that the old chapters will stay up there. Instead, we will just show a lot of improvements in the later chapters.
We realize that the previous chapters were a little broad so we thought of adding more topics in this book.
The author wrote this book as a form of therapy and discussing things openly with kids when nobody else are willing to. While it's nice to see how this book helped you, it can't fully replace consulting with a real therapist, teacher or parental figure.

Hope to see you guys soon! ^••^

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