VIII. Diversity

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When we hear about "diversity," we think about different cultures, race, color and beliefs. They also exist in trends, experiences and gender orientation.
Many people tend to cram themselves in an insular bubble where their peers speak the same language, look and act in a similar manner. What happens if the new kid in the block pops that bubble? Sure, they're all bemused. The parents pull away their kids and scrutinize this outsider for standing out. They make assumptions about this person based on what society fed them (stereotypes).
A wave of anxiety and uncertainty took over as the news about hate crimes against colored people broke out during the pandemic. It is basically wrong to pick on others simply because of their race. Racism happens when nobody is willing to welcome anyone outside their circle and treat them fairly. Racist people view foreigners as a threat to that bubble.
Race is not the only one facing issues right now. There is also inequality towards women and members of the LGBTQ+ community. It is best to educate ourselves about pronouns (He/She/They/Them) as well as appropriate terms to address them.
If anything, don't treat women like garbage. They aren't your personal servants who must keep the house clean and prepare meals for the guys. They can choose not to get married and have kids.
Not everything seen online or in media are true. Having to meet actual people depicted and experience the culture firsthand will surely expand your horizons.
One thing I do agree is that art brings us together. A certain art style can either change overtime or retain the same look. This is seen in one of the most popular manga series from the 1980's, Jojo's Bizarre Adventures.
The so-called "vaporwave," "Tumblr art style" and "vector aesthetic" defined the modern era as well. They are trying to incorporate the 1980's flavor in artworks. However, it doesn't mean other art styles can't be popular. If you're looking for random art, check out the works of Peruvian creator Joel G on YouTube.

It is great to teach the younger generation knowledge outside of these stereotypes and assumptions of certain groups.

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