My Dear Readers ...

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Never invalidate others' experience just because you've been through a lot.

You can be holding three jobs but don't tell me a student graduating from college is nothing to you. Be sympathetic and listen.

Never assume what kind of life people are gonna have. If you're an adult and happen to notice the kid can't always get things right, don't question how they're gonna land a job in the future. Try getting to know the whole story before judging.

Be nice to strangers. You may think they've got plenty of time in their hands but you can never tell what they're going through.

Never let anyone dictate what choices you should make. Remember, Hayao Miyazaki actually studied political science and economics in university before he became an animator. He knew that his interests lie in drawing.

Don't isolate anyone just because of their upsetting behavior or different views. If you know they just want someone they can talk to and feel remorse, be kind enough to hear them out.

Throwing in the "in the real world" statement doesn't help at all. Respect that everyone has their own realities and be a bit more optimistic.

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