A Message of Adulthood

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From our special guest, no other than the amazing author Haru Nikko!

To the people who are currently or about to leave college, I just wanted to tell you this:

As a proud young adult, you have an impressive resumé and sent at least ten of them to various companies.

It's all good, right?

Whether it's a regular office or freelance job, you know that you're qualified enough. You've joined many school clubs, taken jobs in the past or just happen to possess exceptional skills. You are shown to have high grades and numerous awards.
By the time you finished college, you start to realize how much difficult it is to land a job.

Some of you may receive the call for an interview and never hear from these companies again.

Maybe you have been immediately rejected because they're looking for someone with much experience or certain qualifications.

The worst instance is not getting a call or e-mail at all which can take years.

Don't blame yourself. You know deep down that you did it all to get that opportunity. Just because you're jobless, it doesn't necessarily mean you're lazy or incompetent. There are things which you can't control. Maybe tomorrow or the day after, you'll get there.

What to do in case you're out of options?

During the pandemic, I remember sharing my works on Behance (a professional version of DeviantArt), Wattpad, Facebook and Naver Webtoon (a popular webcomic platform). The only option I have was to be a published author. So I looked for potential events where I can showcase my talents. I joined multiple contests on Wattpad and interacted with various authors there.
If there's something you dreamed of, write that down in a notebook or your phone. Repeat. Put that into action.

What motivates you to carry out those dreams?

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