XXIII. Change

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What are the changes have you experienced in your life? How did you feel about them?
Change can either be good or bad. It only becomes totally bad if it's forced. You can't force a kid to join a sports club when it's obvious he wants to be an artist. You can't tell a friend to change their political opinions just because you disagree. You can't insist the whole family to move into a new country because you wanted to. Try considering how others feel of the change you wished to happen.

But how 'bout the inevitable changes?

From 2020 to 2021, the pandemic was followed by conflicts in parts of the world. Everyone was left jobless, hopelessly watched their loved ones succumb to the deadly virus and witnessed two massive wars take place. Those who are forced to stay indoors feel uneasy and isolated because they missed going outside to see their friends and family. They long to breathe some fresh air, take long walks at the park and do grocery shopping again.
Sure, it's a great change for most of humanity. When you encounter these kinds of changes, try reminding yourself about the good they can bring. With the pandemic, it taught us that life is worth living to the fullest. In case you also enjoy cozying up in your blanket with a hot mug of cocoa, you can attend online events, watch your favorite show or read a book.
Change is like growing up. It takes time to make it happen. There are also other people who don't like something, but later begin to appreciate it. They may spend a period of time being hostile until they somehow learn to be kind to you. If change doesn't happen, the world would be a lot duller.

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