Mini Stories 3

127 8 17

Nightmare: *Talking about Killer, Dust and Horror* I'm listening to a Jeffery Dahmer podcast, and I'm horrified more by those three idiots than this bitch.


Horror: *panting heavily*

Lust: What's wrong Horror? Feeling a little spicy today~

Horror: Yeah

Lust: Oh? How so~

Horror: I was dared to eat a whole fucking chilli pepper, and I did. And you'd think because I basically eat anything you give to me, dirt, human, shoelaces, tide pods, and all that shit you'd think I'd have some spicy immunity genes or some shit, but nah! My tounge and everything is burning in pain, and I legit almost started crying, but I didn't want to rub my eyes because I realized I got pepper on my hands and that would've been a mess so yeah... I guess you could say I am feeling spicy today in a way.

Lust: Not the answer I was going for but- Do you need help!?


Dust: It might just be the alcohol kicking in but can you fuck...

Dust: off?


Nightmare: You've got to be you're kids first bully so they know how to fucking defend themselves!



Blue: Hey can I ask you a question?

Dream: Sure

Blue: Hi

Both: ...

Dream: -

Blue: But with a question mark

Both: Hi?


Error: We're skeletons, I'm pretty sure there are no bones in dicks.

Lust: That's why it's called a BONEr.

Ink: Uh... I'm gay. I'd prefer bone him.


Killer: Now time for the meth!

Dream: Meth!?

Killer: -od.

Dream: Oh.


Cross: So what's the plan?

XChara: Kill the mother fucker. Don't die in the process.

Cross: Great. I understand perfectly. Thank you for the in depth detail.

XChara: Your welcome.


Bill: Uh...... don't ask for permission... do it and ask for forgiveness.......


Killer: *introducing new members* Be careful of Nightmare he uses real fowl language

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