Irish lads play games... but it's the Bad Guys and Protectors of AUs

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Lads Destroy Irish Culture in Minecraft

Ink: Dream, does fire not work?

Dream: Uh... it doesn't spread

Blue: I like how you went quiet for one minute and then you go "Dream, question, does fire not work?"


Dust: Someone just wrote Potato Famine in the sky

Killer: Ah, I knew I could smell blight


Nightmare: Look I burn everyone, I don't do it because they're different from me, I do it because I am a bastard

Killer: He doesn't discriminate, he burns everyone


Nightmare: In about an hour, we have to recreate the 1960's rising


Cross: I am 100% Colombian so....

Dream: Did you just say you're 100% Colombian?

Cross: Yeah so- it's probably incest if you go back far enough


Ink: Nightmare how do you feel about a hard Brexit?

Nightmare: Ah well.... let me tell you

Killer: Nightmare what are your thoughts on gun control?

Nightmare: Let's move to religion

Dream: How do you feel about pineapple on pizza


Killer: Good use of a Saturday night. Building a pizza for Youtubers on Minecraft


Nightmare: You stay on your half, I'll stay on my half

Killer: Hey guys, where's my half?

Error: You get the third half

Killer: Thanks guys


Killer: I'm just duel wielding nipples


Ink: The gay club under the grognak shrine is now open for business. Alright well I'll be there if you need me


Horror: Oh, it's a bit tricky to go down

Cross: Is it because we're not gay- oh no I'm in okay it's working

Dust: You must be a homosexual to enter

Error: I can't get in! Guys help!

Nightmare: I got in easy


Blue: Someone made an Irish Sans holding up the Union Jack

Horror: It's a sign of peace


Blue: Why do you hate soup?

Stupid Crap with AU SansesWhere stories live. Discover now