Geno's Serious Advice

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Geno: Take it from me, don't be an idiot.

Because when you're an idiot, you make idiot moves.

And idiot moves turn into regretful memories you would do anything to get rid of in your or whoever witnessed the idiot moves head.

And when you finally break out of that idiot, or just have a blink of smarts, let me tell you, you won't have a sudden realization of smarts and knowledge, and all your problems are solved.

If anything, it's the exact opposite.

You are reminded of all the idiot things you've done and said, and you become anxious and self aware of what people might think of you because of what idiot moved you've done. And you start to think everyone hates you and is judging you because of those idiot moves.

And if it goes to far, you could start to have suicidal thoughts just to get away from the dumb idiot moves and consequences you have to face and never intended to have happen.

So take it from me, don't be an idiot.

And if there's no stopping you from being an idiot, seek help. Whatever it is. You're an idiot in life, mental health, math, having small hands so you can't reach that octave, gym.

It doesn't make you weak, there will be people out there that are willing to help. I know it's easier said then done, but please for your sake and health, seek help. Or at least talk to someone. It's doesn't have to be anything big, just let someone know. Or rant to yorself. Get something off your chest. Don't be scared.

And if you think you're smart enough or good enough to figure a problem out without help, stop and think about how long you've been struggling. Should it normally take that long to do that one thing you're being an Idiot on? Should you ask for help because you're in a real jam? Are you being overconfident?

So, once more, I can't stress enough, don't be an idiot, and seek help if you are one.

Reaper: But Gen, it's basically our job to be idiots. Do you know how much I get paid to do this?

Geno: Hun, if you had a penny for every time you were an idiot, you could buy everything on the Starbucks menu. Twice.

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