Conversations When You're Driving to get Nice Cream

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*takes place after video above*

Palette: How much does Nice Cream cost?

Palette: Let's see, if I had a Nice Cream store.... I'd sell Nice Cream for.... 20$!

PJ:........for two buckets maybe!

Ink: Your Nice Cream must be really good if you're selling it by the bucket.

Gradient: What kind of Nice Cream are you selling? What's the flavor?



Blueprint: Let's see so.... six cents for a cone...

PJ: Uh... how did you get 20$ for two buckets to six cents a cone!?

Blueprint: Uhhh well!

Gradient: That means you don't make a profit!

Palette: No! Because people will come to our store because the Nice Cream is really cheap!

PJ: No because then people will think you're Nice Cream is really bad because it's such a low price-

Palette: No be-

PJ: Think about it. The expensive things are all like the pristine, good, rich people food.

Blueprint: No but McDonald is better than Tokyo Sushi!

Gradient: Actually, you're wrong. McDonald does sell sushi, just not here.


PJ: You suck at driving.

Ink: Thanks would you like to try?

Blueprint: Yes!

PJ: Like that eight years old in that movie.

Gradient: Well it's better than me. I drove in a simulator and once, I was driving in the rain and I drove into a ditch. When I went to turn for a light I ran over someone. And when I was trying to turn I was on sidewalk for two seconds.

Palette: It was only two seconds!

PJ: Or you could just say screw it and drive on the shoulder like that guy *points to another car next to them*

Ink: Yeah like, I could just drive through the grass and make it there quicker.


Gradient: Okay so take note Print, Nice Cream costs 6.50$(it's actually 15g. I didn't have to look that up because I'm Undertale trash HA!) okay? Not 20$ and not six cents, got it?

Blueprint: *Pretending to take down notes.*


Everyone: *back in the car*

PJ: *looks over to see Blueprint eating Nice Cream with his spoon upside-down*

PJ: *definitely judging him*

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