Nightmare shits, I mean, SHORTS!

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Killer: Your eyes sparkle like the stars.

Nightmare: Oh look,

Nightmare: It's shooting.

Nightmare in the spotlight!

Nightmare: Go kill yourself.

Audience: *laughs

Nightmare: I'm being serious.

Audience: *laughs

Nightmare: I'm so fucking done with you all.
Inspirational Words With Nightmare!

Nightmare: Life is a pencil. It's either pointless, great to stab and kill with, or breaks to soon.
Dust: Do you wanna know why I'm lonely?

Nightmare: No. Not really.

Dust: Because I have no body! Ha!

Nightmare: Oh that's just sad. Nobody's gonna witness me murder you. You will die slowly and painfully. And you're last thoughts will be, wow I didn't die alone. Instead, I was with a psychopathic, gay, evil, murderous skeleton.
Fresh: Yo Nightbroski, hit the woah

Dream: You're in a surprisingly good mood today.

Nightmare: I had such a good day today! I ate a sandwich!
Nightmare: *Dumps a whole bucket of water onto Ink

Nightmare: How does that feel, huh?!

Ink: Thanks! I was doing water color but forgot to grab water on my way out of Error's place
If Nightmare wore a Dress

Ink: Aw, c'mon. I even made it black!

Nightmare: I FUCKING HATE IT!!!!!

*Epic is currently laying face first on the ground.

Cross: What did Nightmare do this time?

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