Scifell Cooking 101

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Fell: So, what are we cooking?

Sci: Sweet and sour chicken

Fell: I don't like sweets

Sci: And I don't like sour things, so already were off to a great start!


Sci: Did we thaw the chicken?

Fell: Did we what the chicken?

Sci: Thaw it.

Fell: The fuck is that?

Sci: *sighs in disappointment*


Fell: Sweetheart,

Sci: Yes?

Fell: We don't have all the ingredients.
Sci: Son of a bi-


Fell: Why the hell do we need pineapples?

Sci: Well, pineapples give off-

Fell: I wasn't looking for an actual answer


Fell: *cutting chicken* ugh. This feels so weird.

Sci: It's raw meet. What did you expect.



Fell: What is it? Are you ok? Are you hurt?

Sci: I'm fine. The oil was just splashing everywhere


Fell: Fuck.

Sci: What is it?

Fell: We bought smushed pineapple. Not pineapple chunks.

Sci: What!? But it had a picture of pineapple chunks.

Fell: Maybe we should've actually read the can before buying it.

Sci: I'm sure it'll be fine. It's just pineapple

Fell: *mutters* ok...


Fell: *pours in sauce*

Fell and Sci: *Looks at almost overflowing skillet, then to the half of the chicken still needed to be added*

Sci: We should've down this in a bigger skillet.

Fell: We don't have a bigger one

Sci: We should be doing this in a wok

Fell: The fuck?

Sci: One of those

Fell: They're both pans! There is no difference!

Sci: ......

Fell: Thank you for not going against me with some scientific shit. You know I don't mean to hurt you. I love you.

Sci: I love you too.


Sci: This makes me want to throw up

Fell: It looks like you already threw up into the pan.

Sci: I think we messed it up with the pineapple

Fell: One hundred percent.

Sci: Sorry I didn't read it carefully.

Fell: It's okay sweetheart. I forgive you.


Fell: You've been stirring for around 17 minuets. Didn't the instructions say it would take 1-2 minutes?

Sci: The instructions also said to keep stirring until the sauce thickens and reduced. Does it look reduced and thickened?

Fell: ..........


Sci: This doesn't look appealing.

Fell: Well. Don't judge a book by its cover.

Fell and Sci: *eats food*

Sci: *trying hard not to spot it out*

Fell: *swallows with a gross face*

Sci: It's so sour! And the texture is so mushy and gross and, ugh!

Fell: I don't know what you're talking about. All I taste is pineapples

Sci: Agreement to never make this again.

Fell: Agree

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