I Don't Understand (nor like) Paperfresh pleasedonthurtme

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Error: Why don't you like PJ being with Fresh?

Ink: Multiple reasons!

Error: Like...

Ink: So, let's just say Fresh is your brother, he would be Paperjams Uncle. Yet, people ship him with his uncle? And even if he isn't your brother, he would be the age of a normal sans, or the same age as you and I. And I didn't know if you knew, but Paperjam is still a child! Not saying that like a mother, "He's my little baby" but he's actually a child. He's young and no where near Fresh's age! A kid falling for an adult? How does that work?! Why do people ship them? It's like they had no one to ship Fresh or our child with, so they stuck then together! It doesn't make any sense!

Error: Kiki.

Ink: And, they also apparently have a kid, Cray as well! Who is shipped with Goth! Goth and PJ are friends and the same age! Yet another age difference! And people complain about teen pregnancy, PAPERJAM IS STILL A CHILD!

Error: INK!

Ink: What!?

Error: It's the Undertale fandom. There's no use trying.

Ink: I know, but still! Do people not see how weird and, not right it is for a child and a full grown adult to be in a relationship!?

Error: I mean, I don't know. They made a book about Nightmare fucking Dream, and they're twins. And I'm pretty sure I saw something about Goth doing it with his parents or something, I don't know. This place is pretty messed up.

Ink: ...

Ink: .....

Ink: .....what.

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