Thomas Sander Quotes that could honestly be Incorrect Quotes pt.2

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Blue: Or as they say in theater, fracture a femur!

Error: What!?

Blue: The actual saying is break a leg, but I improved it!

Error: I hate both of those equally.

Blue: Well.


Dream: To go towards reaching some sort of peak!

Killer: Some sort of beak?

Dream: What!? No-

Killer: OH! Like climbing a tall tree all the way to a bird nest! Birds have beaks! And from there I would be able to take flight!

Dream: ...... you know what, sure. You took the long way around buy you got there.

Killer: Yeah!


Shattered Dream: Guilty as cha-

Nightmare: HI! Hello! What do you want!?

Shattered Dream: Thank you brother. I love how you just ruin my dramatic entrance. Mwa mwa! So good!

Nightmare: Well your face ruined my day, so we'll call it even!


Blue: Well I don't want to make you think you're some-

Dust: STUPID..... DIRTY...... ROTTEN...... fffffFFFFILTHY SILLY BILLY..... NO GOOD FOR NOTHING..... uuhhh... WHITE.... uh... s-r-s-RAT... SCOUNDREL B*TCH!

Blue: Kay, thank you Dust... for your help.

Dust: You're welcome.


Goth: No! Seriously! I'm good! .....fam?

Pallette: Now don't go shortening the word family by cutting out my three favorite letters. I L Y.

PJ: Ok well-


Dream: Sound likes he's against Nazis, so let's hear him out.



"Two tickets to surprise city! You and me. I call the window seat."

-Probz Ink       


Error: Did I screw everything up?

Ink: No. I threw away your vote so you couldn't do that.


Cross: Why would that be wrong?

Dream: Because he gave his word! But you wouldn't know anything about words would you mister.

Cross: I don't know what you mean.

Dream: Giving your word is an act of honesty given betwe-

Cross: What! I can't understand you! I don't know anything about words!

Dream: Alright. We got a smart one over here.


Error: I would prefer you don't talk about me behind my back!

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