15 Problems Asexuals Have that Non-Asexuals (probably) Don't Get

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(I'm taking the cannon information that Ink is Asexual for this)

1: Talking to Cool People for your Friend

Dream: Do you see that dude over there?

Ink: *Looks over to bad guys* Yeah.

Dream: He looks really cool and I kind of want to tell him, but I don't want to say it infront of his friends.

Ink: Did you want me to tell you for him?

Dream: Could you?

Ink: Of course.

~After Talking to Bad Guys~

Dream: Did you tell him "my friend thinks you look cool?" Or did you tell him "my friend with the yellow cape and crown?"

Ink: I just said "my friend thinks you're cool" did you want me to specify?

Dream: How are you so calm?!

Ink: *shrugs*

2: Having Anxiety After Helping A Friend Talk to Cool People

Ink: Okay so I just asked Cross very bluntly if he was dating anyone and now I'm kinda concerned he thinks I like him. And I don't want to just go over there are tell him I'm asexual, I asked for my friend because one that'll be very akward and make it even more weird and two I don't want to blow my friends cover. And things are already akward between us and I don't want to ruin it but I also don't want to seem like I'm crushing on him, because I'm not. I'm asexual. I don't even want crap to do with love. But what if he doesn't need the explanation, and I'm just making things even more weird between us? He's a good friend. He's funny and kind and everything, and I don't want to lose him because I'm an outgoing yet also socially akward person!

Ink: *Continues anxious rant*

3: Taking Online Quizzes

Ink: Okay, one of my biggest pet peeves is when I'm trying to take a personality quiz or like a quiz about myself, and then a question comes up like "Why did your last relationship end?" Or "How would you describe your current relationship?" And I'm like, dude. I'm just trying to figure out what kind of donut I'd be. Not be railed for being asexual and not having a relationship!

4: Horoscopes

Ink: I just want to figure out if AmazingPhil was right and Pisces should look out for sharks, not who they should date! (Also side note, I just looked up to see if Ink was a Pisces ((side note he is not, he is an Aries)) but while doing this I found out that he plays the flute in his spare time. I don't know if that's cannon but either way I love that fact)

5: Moody Music

Ink: I'm just trying to vibe and listen to some good depressing music, but I swear all of these songs are about love like, dude chill out. I know it's a heart breaking experience and everything but if she left you then duck her. It probably wouldn't work out anyways. And, just because that relationship didn't work out, why can't y'all be friends? Like, dude. I'm just trying to vibe and relate to the music, but, I can't relate to this and it's kind of annoying me now more than anything.

6: Books

Ink: Alright let's see what books there are...

Ink: Alright, a girl keeps running away but decides to stay because of this dude she loves. This dude is having mommy issues so he moves to the other side of the world and falls in love with someone there. The girl falls in love with the boyfriend of the dead girl. The main character falls in love with the bad boy and ruins his life. That dudes crush loves someone else and that girl is so socially akward she fucked up her first meeting with her crush. Her friend took her own life and is now sad but also dealing with trying to confess her love to this dude she likes. He's trying to prove his dad wrong, but also he falls in love with his best friend.

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