The AU Sans' but They're Theatre Kids Now

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Guess who's a theatre kid :D I'm sorry. Also wanted to note, I don't know who the director would be because I imagine all the sans and sans like characters would be the students and actors in the play so.... just use your imagination :D Also, Dream is like the only responsible one.

Now enjoy a bunch of theatre kids screaming...


Killer: The difference between sex and gender is I didn't have gender with your mom last night


Killer: Yeast


Oh no the bananas


I beat women
-Nightmare cutting and burning a bag with a sword


Dust: Oh crap I have a secret pocket!

Cross: Yeah I put coco puffs in my pocket!!

Dust: Yo, I could put cocaine in here...

Horror: If we find cocaine in your pocket we're putting you in the car

Killer: Drugs!?!


Dream: It went quiet and all I heard was Ink go "big ass turtle"


Dream: I've gotten used to speed reading because of you guys. Literally I put my phone down for a minute, come back and there is 129 texts. Like, seriously. 129 texts EXACTLY! Every time!!


Taking over the world one toe at a time


Cross: Did he step over that entire chair

Dust: Dude for him he has magic legs


Killer: Magic foot lettuce. The last thing you want on your burger kind burger. Someone else's foot magic


Director: He's a... still recovering from a vending machine incident

Killer and Ink: *Look at each other dead in the eye and proceeds reenact a vending machine incident like they've experienced it*


Would you like some slightly chewed gum?


Screw off foot like the lid of a jar


Erection collection


You frenched the fry



Stupid Crap with AU SansesWhere stories live. Discover now