A Snapple A day keeps the Sane ones Away

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Error: Did you know that the days on Venus are longer then the years on Venus?

Outer How did you know?

Error: I'm just really smart.

Outer: ...

Error: ...

Outer: You got that from under a Snapple cap didn't you.

Error: Yes I did.

G: That's because Venus is far away from the Sun.

Outer: No, it's the second closest.

Error: Yeah. Because if Wonder Quest taught me anything.

G: That was back in fourth grade! How do you still remember that!

Error: Do you still remember when Stampy was popular?

G: No! Because I wasn't watching Minecraft videos! I was to busy watching some nerdy baker put MLP figures on a cupcake!

Stupid Crap with AU SansesWhere stories live. Discover now