Chapter 35

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"And here begins the journey of the ones who lost their way. Little do they know, they hold each others secrets." - Nila


I run my hands along my cast. Why am I so distressed? Nothing has changed.

Scrap that. It's a lie. Something has changed

"Do you like being alone?"

His eyes meet mine through those thick black lashes. Those model worthy blues still blinking away exhaustion. "What makes you think I'm alone?" His gaze is focused on mine but it's like he's juggling between being here and zoning out.

"I mean in this large house. It's eery and quiet." I shiver instinctively.

His features are a mix between amusement and confusion, "Sometimes, but i'm not here all the time."

Right. He's off doing CEO things.

"Do you like being alone?" He asks, without missing a beat.

Alone. The word holds too much meaning, and somehow it's always associated with something bad. "I enjoy my own company." I say, trying not to sound arrogant.

"Is that your way of telling me to leave?" He muses.

I crack a smile, "No."

I'm still trying to wrap my head around how we spent a night together in bed and just moments ago, I cried in his arms. In many ways, I'm stripped bare. Vulnerable and exposed. But he doesn't look at me with pity like most do. He looks at me as though all the stars in the universe are aligning, and we're crossing paths once again. Trapped on a carousel that neither of us can jump from. 

The familiarity is unsettling.  I recognised this man the moment I saw him in the hallway. Now I'm beginning to think I met him before he even became my lecturer. Maybe he came around for dinner in the past? I mean, why is it that after twenty years, I'm only meeting him now. I've known his brother Matteo for so long.

Where has this man been lurking?

As if he senses my thoughts, he sits forward and rubs his hands together. There's a tension that resides between us, whether we want to believe it or not, but at least we're talking like civil people... for once.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier, it's been a long day"

"Acquisitions and mergers." I tusk. It comes out rude rather than carefree mocking.

His eyes narrow, "No, Amara."

"Goblins and demons." I quip.


"Witches and wizards."

"Still in shock," He mutters to himself.

"What?" I cross my arms, acting bothered. "I'll have you know, I'm perfectly fine now."

He shakes his head, smiling. "You're crazy."

Huh. Why does he look five years younger all of a sudden.

"That's my middle name." The fire mutes to a puff of ash and I adjust my sweater, awaiting the cold.

"I thought it was Grey."

"Speaking of grey, how do you know my middle name?"

He sits back, crossing his arms. "I have access to your files."

I scrunch up my nose, "That's not creepy."

He laughs and the deep rattle of his chest  makes him sound a hundred times more attractive "I know everything about my students."

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