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I love you too.

Let's build a family together!

I want you to be my mate.

These were all luring possibilities Taehyung was secretly hoping for. Reality was far from these, though. Jungkook portrayed a weird image of a three-people-relationship and Taehyung couldn't help but feel disgusted by the thought. He was an alpha was, after all; a selfish and possessive personality who didn't want to share his omega with anyone.

But seeing Jungkook's sparkling eyes, he couldn't say no to him. He was physically incapable, as if fulfilling Jungkook's wishes were the only thing that kept him alive. 

Even though he couldn't imagine Hoseok ever wanting to come with them, he nodded. Okay, maybe three of them will run into the sunset. So what? If that makes Jungkook happy, so be it.

"Don't you worry about Hobi! I will take care of him," Jungkook winked playfully. He was so happy, it didn't match the importance of the situation. They were about to ran away. They were about to leave their pack behind and become outcasts. Unlike Jungkook who seemed to be over the mood, Taehyung was terrified.

Though Jungkook said not to be worried, Taehyung couldn't help but be super worried. Especially because the younger was twenty minutes late.

After Taehyung's confession and Jungkook's strange proposal, the couple agreed to meet in front of the gate in an hour and finally leave the Jeon estate for good. It was better to leave as soon as possible, before the Head Alpha would realize what was happening. Taehyung and Jungkook both knew this, so they gave themselves a short hour to gather the most important things they might need in the outside world.

They also agreed not to tell anyone except Hoseok. It was better if their friends didn't know where they were going - though Taehyung himself didn't know where they could go. It would have been easier if he had been on his own, but with Hoseok - who was a sworn member of the pack - and Jungkook - who was the only heir of the pack leader - their chances were a little scarcer.

But it all didn't matter if Jungkook didn't show up. The young omega should have been here twenty minutes ago, but Taehyung saw neither Hoseok nor Jungkook anywhere around the gate. He should've known this can't be this easy.

He waited for another ten minutes before he made up his mind and returned to the main house, determined to find his omega. He had a bad feeling boiling in his guts as he climbed up the stairs all the the way up to the fifth floor where Jungkook's and Hoseok's room was.

It was past two in the morning, somehow Taehyung was still surprised why he didn't run into anyone on his way. He assumed that after the scene he made at the party, everyone would be raging. He thought the news would soon reach the Head Alpha who would launch a hunt to execute him. Instead of that, the whole building was deserted, everyone resting in their rooms. Maybe because all the guests were some way dear to Taehyung and none of them wanted the trueblood to be dead by the next morning. They all kept their mouths shut and went to bed instead of snitching on him to the Head Alpha.

Taehyung was glad for that. He was so glad he almost felt guilty that he wanted to run away without saying goodbye to any of his friends.

He slowly reached the fifth floor, the terrifying feeling of something horrible was about to happen increasing. He could feel that something happened to Jungkook. Not only because the boy was late, but because ever since he turned 20 - which only meant a couple hours - he has been restless. He knew it was due to his desire to mark the younger but he also knew that something else was wrong too. He couldn't explain, he just knew.

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