The plan.

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"Stop staring you weirdo!" Samara said clicking her fingers at me. "We need to figure out how we are going to find this group of blood addicts" "I know I know. How about we go to the party tonight and see if they show up? They are picking people up somehow and who knows" I shrugged.

"I'm gonna go grab some pie you want anything?" I enquired. "Get me a drink please" I walked over to the counter and saw one of the guys from the next booth was there. The waitress came over to me and asked what I wanted. "Could I have a milkshake and a piece of pie please?" "Coming straight up"

"C'mon are you serious?! The last piece?" I heard from behind. I turned around and saw him. Short brown hair, hazel eyes, denim jacket with checked shirt underneath and worn jeans. "Excuse me?!" I said raising an eyebrow at him. "I really wanted that pie!" He almost shouted. "Sorry sunshine you should have gotten here faster!" "Who you calling sunshine?!" "You! You think you can have something just because you want it? Life doesn't work that way!" At this point people were starting to stare as our voices rose. Samara was looking at me like I was an idiot and started walking over, one of the guys from his booth came over. He was really tall, had lighter brown hair that was chin length, blue eyes and was dressed similarly.

"Dean what are you doing!? Leave her alone" I looked up at him and said "I don't need some lanky weirdo trying to stick up for me!" He looked at me with a frown not quite knowing what to say. Dean turned to him "Sammy back off! She stole my pie! My pie Sammy!" "We will find you some don't worry" Sammy smirked. The waitress came over with the pie and I picked up and took a massive bite. "Mmmmm so good!" I said with my mouth full. "You are a son of a bitch!" I shoved the rest of the pie in his stupid face and laughed while he glared at me. "You wanted it so enjoy it!"

Samara pulled on my arm and told me "move now Steph you are being an idiot!" Sammy looked at her like he was examining her face. "What's your name you look familiar?" "Samara Anderson" "Samara?! It's me Sam Winchester! How could I not recognise you"
Me and Dean turned to each other at the same time and shouted "not you!" We glared while Sam and Samara laughed at us.

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