Recovery Samara's P.O.V

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"Take her first I have protection!" I still held his blade and my knife. "I don't think they are coming back" Castiel looked at me and nodded, he picked Steph up and disappeared. I took a deep breath and looked around me. Less than five minutes later he returned. "Is she awake?" "No I came back for you before trying to heal them" He grabbed my hand and we were at the motel before I knew it.

I saw Sam kneeling on the floor between the two beds, one hand on Steph, the other on Dean. They both looked terribly pale. I looked over at Castiel "Can you do something?" He replied "I'll do what I can" He walked over to Sam "I need you to move" Sam came to stand with me and gripped my hand tightly. Castiel took both Steph and Dean's hands, they didn't wake up. He kept a tight grip on them, a frown slightly marking his face as he concentrated.

After an hour or so his face relaxed and he stood up. "They will be okay they just may be out for a while" "Thank you!" Sam and I said in unison. "Do you think you could take me shopping? I need some supplies and definitely a new outfit" I said gesturing to Castiels trench coat that was covering what was left of my dress. He didn't need to know I had a bag of clothes in the car.

We walked over to Roxy and I got in drivers side, Castiel got into passengers side and smiled. He looked good when he smiled. "Where are we going?" "We are going for a little retail therapy I think we've earned it don't you?" "What's retail therapy?" He looked so confused I couldn't help but laugh. "Shopping is retail therapy" We drove around till we found a shopping centre and parked up.

We walked inside and Castiel looked around, he looked interested and confused. I smiled watching him. "Hungry? We could get a pretzel or something to walk round with?" "Uhh sure?" He didn't look convinced. We walk over to a vendor and I got us a pretzel each. We walked to the nicest clothes store in there and took a slow walk around. "What do you think of this?" I asked holding up a little black dress "it's uh very nice" He responded going red. I smirked and went to try it on. When I walked out his jaw literally dropped and I laughed. It made me feel pretty damn good.

I found a few more dresses and some casual clothes I got a pair of shoes to go with little black dress then we went to men's store. "Let's go get you a new coat!" I said to Castiel. He looked horrified. "But I have a coat! I don't need another one" "what do you mean? You only have one coat? A coat that's covered in blood and probably ripped and you don't need a new one?" "I can fix it!" He checked to see nobody was looking and touched my shoulder, his hands were warm, I looked down and the coat looked brand new. "Doesn't mean you can't get new clothes" I grabbed his hand and pulled him along to find a new outfit. This would be fun. For me anyway.

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