How it started. Samaras P.O.V

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I looked at the 2 idiots shouting and said to Sam "let's go sit down they aren't gonna stop anytime soon" We walked over to his booth and he introduced me to Crowley, a dark haired man who looked to be in his thirties, he had almost black eyes, wore a black suit and told me he was the king of hell. Yeah sure. Then he introduced me to Castiel, he had short dark brown hair, a slight frown on his face as he kept looking back at Steph and Dean, his eyes were a mix of blue and green and he wore a trench coat. Sam said he was an angel. He definitely looked heavenly.

Back when I had just turned 13, Steph was 15, we went to stay with our uncle Bobby. He didn't have any kids of his own so he treated us really well. He taught us all we needed to know to survive, gave us most of our books and weapons and trained us to look after ourselves. That's when the idiots met and war started. Dean was practicing with his crossbow trying to hit the bullseye. He was close but hadn't succeeded yet. Steph was starting her practice and hit the bullseye first time, Dean was not impressed at all but she hadn't noticed and kept up the practice. After half an hour of this Bobby came over and said "well done Dean you are getting pretty damn close, Steph you are a natural keep it up" Dean glared at her hating the praise she got. We all went into the house to get some food and he stopped her. "Why are you trying to outdo me?" "What? I don't even know you" That made both of them angry and they started an argument that didn't end until Bobby shouted "will you two stop being such idjits?!" They both put their heads down and walked into house. It continued like that every time we saw them. Me and Sam were best friends and found it hilarious. One day their dad, John, decided he didn't want them coming round Bobby's house anymore and we hadn't seen them till today. It's funny how life is.

"Hello?! Anybody in there?" I heard, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was the angel. "Sorry I was lost in memory lane. What's up?" "How do we stop it?" "What?" "How do we stop them?" I looked over to Dean and Steph and tried to hide my smile, Dean had bits of pie dripping down his face onto his clothes and Steph had gone tomato red with her anger. "Hey idjits! Pack it in!" They both scowled at me and Dean stormed to the bathrooms. Steph walked over to us, smirking thinking she'd won.

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