The party Samara's P.O.V

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I looked around the room with Castiel trying to spot anything out of the ordinary. It just looked like everyone was having a good time to me, no fangs in sight. "I wonder if Steph and Dean have found anything" I said to Castiel. "They would have told us if they had, surely." I looked at him and couldn't help thinking of the pizza man remark, should I bring it up? Does that mean he likes me? He looks great in that suit do I tell him or pretend nothing happened? I was lost in my thoughts for a few moments until Castiel cleared his throat. "We should go check if they've seen anything" he said. I agreed and we went to look for them.

We looked around for around 15 minutes and couldn't find them. I rang Steph whilst Castiel rang Dean, there was no answer. I rang Sam, he answered on second ring. "Hey Sam have you heard from Dean?" "No why?" "We were supposed to be filling each other in on anything we had seen but we couldn't find them at all. We've called them and no answer" "let me track their phones." A few minutes went by "Steph is outside the club maybe Dean is with her" "Thanks Sam we will go check"
I hung up and told Castiel. We walked out of the club and looked around, no sign of them, weird. I called again and could hear her phone ringing, then I spotted her backpack on the grass. "What the hell has happened?!" I shouted "where is my sister?" I ran over to her bag and picked it up, I took her phone out and it just had missed calls from me and one from Sam. Where were they?

I turned to Castiel "Can you sense them? Being an angel and all" "It doesn't work that way, Dean is hidden from angels and I don't have enough of a read on Steph" I look around for anywhere they could have been taken, would it be by car or on foot? Or are they dead? No they aren't I would know. I walk down the street vaguely aware of Castiel following me, there's an alley way so I turn into it. There's a bit of blood here. Is it there's? Is it a random fight? What do i do? I venture further down the alley, it's littered with broken bottles and used needles. Nice. "They are okay. I would know if Dean was dead." Castiel said bluntly, I stared at him not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way." He quickly says. "We need to find them. Let's see if Sam knows anything" I say while dialling his number. "Hey Sam they aren't here but I found Steph's phone and bag outside, do you have any information?" "They seem to be taking people from around the club and a mile each way so I think the nest is somewhere close. Let me try to narrow it down a little" I walk up and down waiting for him to find something. Castiel puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes. I appreciate the gesture but I would appreciate news more.

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