The hunt

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"Where are they?" I asked. "Straight to business I see" Crowley responded. "Well they have three different locations that I've found out about. Two are within mile of the warehouse and other is other side of the town" He sat down next to us. "Where should we look first?" Dean asked. "Let's check the ones nearest the warehouse first then we can go to the furthest if we have no luck" I responded.

Castiel and Samara entered the motel room with multiple bags. He looked a bit shellshocked. I knew that feeling all too well. Samara handed me a bag "I found you these"
She walked off with her bags and put them on the bed. "What's happening then?" "We are going to explore the places Crowley found the vampires hiding out, I think we should be in teams of three this time if everyone is okay with that?" I said. "How about you, Crowley and Dean then me, Castiel and Samara?" Sam said. Me and Dean looked at each other and shrugged. We knew we had each other's backs and that was the important thing. "Fine by me" I said.

I opened my present from Samara, it was a new pair converse! "Thank you!" I said. "Your welcome" I went to the bathroom to get showered and changed, no dress this time thank you. After the best shower in the world I changed into some grey jeans and a tee. I put my new converse on and went out to everyone. Samara, Sam and Castiel had gone. Guess it was time to get to work.

Dean went to shower and get changed then we left. Samara had taken Roxy again so I yelled "shotgun!" And ran to passengers side. Crowley rolled his eyes and clicked his fingers, he was in the front of the car. What a douche! I got in the back. "You can get in the back as well" Dean said to Crowley. Great!

We got to the house Crowley had mentioned after a slightly awkward drive. Dean parked up and we all got out. "Ready?" Dean asked. I nodded and we went inside. There were 2 bodies on the floor that looked to be completely drained. They had definitely been here. I put my finger to my lips in a be quiet motion as we headed further inside. It was a large enough property and we checked the rooms downstairs first and found nothing. We worked our way upstairs.

I pushed open a bedroom door as Dean looked at the bathroom and Crowley looked positively bored. Serves him right. No sign. We checked the last few rooms. As we opened the last door we heard movement. There was a single vampire here. Me and Dean took off after him and caught up to him. "Where are the others?" I asked. He laughed "What others?" "Your nest!" Dean shouted holding him by his neck. "I don't have a nest" the vampire said smirking. "Well I guess we don't need you then" I shrugged. Dean staked him, "let's go see if there's any clues in the room he fled from" "Okay" We walked back to the room and found a young girl, barely conscious. "Get her in the car! We'll drop her at the hospital!" We carried her down and put her in the back seat. Crowley sat in the front and I had the girls head on my lap.

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