Let's fix this. Deans P.O.V

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I held Steph in my arms while she cried. I felt absolutely useless she was hurting and I couldn't do anything. She had Samara back but she didn't seem interested at all. I rubbed her back. "Take all the time you need I'm right here" I said. She sniffled "thank you for being here" I just smiled and held her. I would stay here as long as she needed me. It felt good to have her in my arms.

We sat in silence for about ten minutes and she pulled away. I was more disappointed than I wanted to be. Son of a bitch! She looked up at me and the urge to kiss her overwhelmed me. I stared at her lips and touched her face, she bit her lip and I couldn't stop myself I leaned forward and kissed her. She kissed me back and put her hands in my hair. I put my arms around her and kissed her harder. It was the best kiss of my life.

After a little while I pulled back and looked at Steph, she looked quite flustered and it was cute as hell. "You are beautiful" I said. She blushed and smiled then looked away. "Shall we get moving?" She said. "Yeah let's go" We got up and I squeezed her hand. "I'm just gonna wash my face" Steph said. "Okay I will wait here" I sat back down as she went into bathroom. After a minute I heard the tap running. I smiled feeling genuinely happy for the first time in a long time.

We got into baby and drove to the house where Samara had been killed. I could see how tense Steph was and I grabbed her hand. She looked at me and smiled. Way too soon we were pulling up to the house. Steph took a deep breath and straightened. "Let's do this" She got out the car and I was so proud. Weird feeling. We walked over to the house and went in.

The second we walked through the door three vampires jumped us. I stabbed one straight away and could see Steph taking one down. I beheaded the first and moved to the second. Steph beheaded hers and we worked together killing the third. Breathing heavily I said "how's this for a date?" "Date?" She said smiling. "Well yeah why not? Revenge and romance go hand in hand don't they?" Steph laughed and I smiled at her.

We walked around the house. It was empty downstairs now. We walked up the stairs and looked around, there was movement in one of the bedrooms. I put my finger to my lips to tell Steph we need to be quiet. She nodded in understanding. We entered the bedroom and there was Dego biting some young girl. Just like the last girl we took to hospital. "Get off her!" Steph shouted and flew at him. He hit her hard enough to knock her out. I ran at him and hit him as hard as I could. He ran too fast for me to catch him. The girl ran away and I watched her go. I picked Steph up and took her to the car. She was really unlucky I swear. I kissed her forehead and lay her in the back. We shouldn't leave the motel again.

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