Broken Deans P.O.V

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I'd never seen someone looks so broken before. It absolutely gutted me that I couldn't help, as much as we didn't get on I had to admit I was getting pretty attached to Steph. Not going to tell her that though, especially not at a time like this. I still couldn't believe what had happened to Samara! Was it a message? Was it just because they could? I needed to talk to Cas and Sammy as soon as possible. I need to help Steph first, maybe she can sleep.

I pulled up to the motel around the same time as Sam. I took a deep breath. "Are you ready to go in?" I turned asking Steph. She looked at me with red rimmed eyes and tears down her face, god she looked beautiful. "I don't think I'll ever be ready" she responded. I remember that feeling from when Sammy died. "Focus on getting Samara back. One step at a time. One minute at a time. Don't think she's gone." I got out of the car and walked to back. I opened the back door and helped Steph out of the car. Sam and Cas were watching us. I shook my head slightly at them and took Steph to hers and Samaras room.

After an hour or so Steph was asleep on the couch, I covered her with a blanket, wrote a note saying I'd gone next door and left quietly. I knocked then walked into my room Sammy and Cas were talking and stopped to look at me. "How is she?" Sammy asked. "Braving it out as much as she can" I said. "Have we got any kind of a plan?" "We've tried getting Crowley to come back but he's having none of it" Sammy said. "I could not help." Cas said putting his head down. "I know you would have done something if you could have." I put a hand on his shoulder. "What happened exactly?"

"She wanted us to split up but I didn't want that. She made it happen anyway." Cas said with a slight smile "Sam and I searched downstairs and found a couple of vampires, we were fighting them when I heard Samara shout my name. She sounded scared so I ran as fast as I could to her. She looked at me and said I was right. The scumbag behind her smiled and snapped her neck" Cas closed his eyes and a tear fell down his face. "I couldn't save her. I caught her body but she was dead. What good is an angel that can't save a life?" "You've saved plenty Cas and we will get her back don't you worry" I said. "Sam killed the vampires that were left while I carried Samara's body downstairs and to the car." Cas finished.

I sat down on the bed and put my head in my hands. What a mess. What were we going to do? Crowley was awol, typical demon. I wasn't going to give up even if it looked bleak. Nobody deserves to lose a sibling. At least I got Sammy back. I sighed and got up. "I'm gonna go get some food for all of us" I said and left. I got in the car and drove to find nearest drive thru. At least I can make sure Steph eats while we search.

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