The shopping trip Samara's P.O.V

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I took Castiel straight to the suits, I thought a nice blue suit, with waistcoat and tie. Definitely look amazing on him! I grabbed a couple of suit jackets "which do you like best?" "I have a suit?" "I'm not going through this again Castiel! Now pick one!" He looked shocked and pointed to my left hand. "Good choice" I said "let's go find a shirt and tie for you, maybe even shoes!" I stuck my tongue out at him and laughed.

I dragged him to the shirts and found a white shirt that looked beautiful, I took him to the ties "Pick anyone you like" I said gesturing to the tie rack. He looked worried and started examining them closely. He pointed at an Indio tie and a royal blue tie "I like these" He sounded unsure and I couldn't help but smile. "Why don't you go and try it on?" He walked slowly over to the changing rooms looking defeated.

I decided to try calling Steph while I waited for him. She answered saying "Hey are you okay? Guess who appeared here?" "Yeah I'm fine I'm enjoying some retail therapy. Who?" "Crowley!" "Be nice!" I warned. Last thing we needed was the king of hell as an enemy! "I'm always nice" I rolled my eyes. "I was just checking to make sure you were okay, how's Dean?" "We are both up but very tired" "Great I will call you when we are heading back" "Have fun!"

Castiel walked out of the changing rooms and I couldn't take my eyes off him. He looked absolutely amazing! So handsome! "How do you like it?" I asked smiling. "I think I like it" he said slowly. "So we are getting it. Wait the shoes!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the shoes. "What ones catch your eye?" I asked. He picked up a pair of tan coloured oxfords. He had a good eye. We went and paid for his stuff and left the store.

We went to a shoe store next. I needed some boots and heels. I walked to the heels first and found a nice pair of black pumps. Perfect! Now to the boots. I called Castiel over to help me find the perfect ones. I picked up a few pairs of booties and showed him. He picked out the black ones. I was impressed. We looked around some more to see if anything caught my eye. I saw a pair of knee high buckled converse and had to get them for Steph!

After the shoe shop we decided to head back to the motel, we had a few bags between us and put them on the back seat of Roxy. We drove in a comfortable silence for a while. "That suit looked really good on you" I said breaking it. "I think your new outfits will look good on you" Castiel responded turning red. "Thank you. Could you call Steph, Sam or Dean to let them know we are on our way back please?" He called Dean and told him. We pulled up to the motel not long after and I decided to show Steph all my goodies and the present I got her. I couldn't wait to see Castiel in that suit.

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