Awaken, awaken eggs and bacon!

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I slowly woke up to the smell of bacon, that didn't seem right. Where was I? I slowly opened my eyes to see Dean smiling waving a bacon sandwich under my nose. "What happened? Weren't you knocked out? Where's Samara? Why are you smiling?" Sam and Dean started laughing. That made me angry, I pushed myself up and sat against the headboard. I was at the motel but I couldn't see Samara or Castiel. "Where's my sister?" "She's fine she's shopping with Castiel" Nice of her to wait I thought.

Dean offered me the bacon sandwich he'd been teasing me with and I took it gratefully, I was starving! "Why were you waving it under my nose?" "Nobody can resist the smell of bacon!" He looked at Sam smirking "Told you Sammy" Sam rolled his eyes. "So what happened at the party?" I looked at Dean, he was looking at me we both raised an eyebrow at each other and looked back at Sam. "Ambush" we said in unison. "We got taken to an abandoned building and tied up, Steph tried to free me but got attacked by the leader" Dean said. "At least three of them escaped so we have to go back!"
I said. "They will be expecting that we need to start from scratch" Sam said.

Sam went over to his laptop while I finished my sandwich. "Thanks" Dean said. "For what?" "For fighting so hard for me. Only Sammy would have done that" "Just because we argue all the time doesn't mean I am going to let you die you idiot!" He smiled at me and I smiled back. Maybe this was the start of a truce. Who knew?

I stretched and it felt so good! I put my feet over the side of the bed and stood up. I wobbled and Dean caught me. "Just returning the favour" He said with a wink. I laughed "You need to carry me a while for that!" We went over to the table where Sam was working and sat down. "I know the head of the nest is named Dego and at least 2 others survived with him. How do we find them?" I asked Sam. "Well I think they will lay low for a couple of days to throw us off the trail, you two could probably use the recovery time, you look exhausted. Can you and Samara stay for a bit longer?" "I will talk to Samara when she gets back before I guarantee anything. I wanna get my vengeance" "Get in line!" Dean laughed. "I want to get my hands on them also" Sam said with venom in his voice.

"Hello boys. And lady of course" I jumped out of my skin! "Crowley how nice of you to drop by" Dean said. I looked behind me "Will you stop doing that! You are an absolute douche!" He laughed. "I like her!" He pointed at me. "Rude!! I have a name you know?" "Doesn't mean I have to learn it" I turned back to Sam "What shall we do?" "Well I came with news but if you aren't interested I can leave" I heard Crowley mutter. "What's this news then that's so important you had to appear in the middle of the room with no warning?" I asked trying to resist the urge to punch him. "I know where the vampires are" he said smirking at me. Would it really be so bad to punch him?

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