The news

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We pulled up to the house and got out of the car. Crowley hadn't reappeared yet so it was just the two of us. "Are you ready?" Dean asked. "Let's go kick some undead ass" I said. Dean opened the trunk and lifted up the bottom of it. Inside there were weapons of every kind. A girl could fall in love with this collection! "Help yourself" Dean said watching me. "Thanks" I picked up a shotgun, a few stakes and a machete. Better to be prepared. Dean grabbed a few weapons and shut the trunk. Time to go.

We entered the house and decided to check the downstairs first. We checked the front room and found nothing. Everything was silent. We checked the kitchen and found nothing. We were about to go upstairs when Smoke On The Water started playing loudly. I won't lie I jumped out of my skin. "It's Sam" Dean said looking confused. "Hello?" After a few seconds Dean said. "We are back at the second house what's going on?!" I looked at him getting worried. "Yeah we will wait here." He hung up. "Sam said we need to wait here for them" "why?" "He wouldn't say" "let's go wait in the car"

We sat in the car, waiting, I chewed on my lip nervously. What was going on? Dean took hold of my hand noticing my nerves. "It's gonna be okay" "how do you know?" "I just do" we sat in silence still holding hands. I hoped Dean was right. I heard a car and turned round. Sam was driving Roxy. Something was definitely wrong!

I jumped out of the car as Sam parked up. "What happened? Where's Samara?" I shouted. "She's in the back with Castiel" Sam replied. I yanked the door to the back seat open and saw her lying across Castiels lap. He had tear marks on his face and was stroking her hair. "Samara?" No response. Her head was at a weird angle. "What happened?" I asked terrified of the answer" "A vampire broke her neck" Castiel responded without looking at me.

My legs gave way. This couldn't be right. She was the only thing I had in this world and she was gone? I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. What was I going to do? I felt a hand on my shoulder and I started crying. Once I started I couldn't stop. "Can't you do something?" I begged Castiel. "If I could have I would have instantly. I'm so sorry" I couldn't do this. I lay curled up on the floor and cried. I felt myself get picked up but I couldn't find the strength to care. Nothing was ever going to be the same.

Dean put me in the back seat of his car lying down and shut the door. He got in the drivers seat and started the engine. I pulled myself to a sitting position. "What are you doing?! I can't leave Samara!" "Sam and Castiel are taking her back to the motel and I'm taking you back. Maybe we can find a way to bring her back" "Castiel said we can't! What am I supposed to do?!" I broke down again as Dean drove to the motel. I couldn't deal with this.

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