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We were down to two vampires and Dego, they ran from us shouting out "Retreat!" Ten or so more vampires ran out of doors and fled. What the hell was going on? I turned to look at Samara and Castiel for answers and I saw Castiel covered in blood staring at Samara with his blade drawn, I grabbed his arm thinking he was going to attack her. "Get away from my sister!" "What?!" They both said shocked. Oh my bad they were having a moment. I stepped back awkwardly and decided to check on Dean.

He was unconscious again. Great. "Castiel do something!! He's not conscious!" Castiel walked over to Dean and touched his head, holding it for a few minutes. "I can't fully heal him right now but I can get him out of here and back to the motel and we can help him" I felt so relieved I didn't want Dean to die because of my stupidity.

Castiel picked up Dean and we walked towards the exit. I grabbed my pipe and Samara had her knife and grabbed Castiels blade. Samara went in front and went behind. We checked every open door and listened for any footsteps. It was weirdly silent. I was extremely paranoid. I think the rest were as well. We made it to the corridor before the exit with no problems.

At the exit there were two vampires. I shouted to Castiel "Take Dean to Sam!" "I don't want to leave you without back up" "we've done this enough times before believe it or not" Samara responded to him. He looked at her and nodded before vanishing with Dean. We turned to the vampires, both male. One was short and stocky the other tall and extremely skinny. They ran at us but we were ready.

I hit the short one with my pipe and knocked him down, Samara beheaded him. I launched at the skinny one beating him with the pipe relentlessly. He stayed standing. I went for his knees smacking the back of them with all my strength, he toppled over and I sat on him and looked to Samara. "Throw me a knife please" as she threw it over the vampire got his arm free and stuck his claws deep into my side. I caught the knife Samara threw and stabbed him in the chest. "You absolute douche!! That really hurt!" I stabbed him again in a rage then beheaded him smiling. "Bye bye sucker!"

I stood up and looked at my dress there was a nice big hole in the side with blood soaking the edges, I had splatters of blood all over me and could feel it on my face and in my hair. I think the dress is done for and I need a few showers. I looked at Samara and the trench coat she was wearing was splattered with blood as well and she had some on her face. Luckily for her, her hair was fine. I get all the luck. I walked towards her and slipped on the bloody pipe I'd left on the floor. I went down hard and just stayed on the floor. This wasn't my night.

Castiel appeared to take us and I told him "take Samara first I'll just have a nap" Everything went dark again..

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