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We got to the hospital and Dean carried the girl inside with me following, Crowley stayed in the car, so helpful! "We need help please!" I shouted. A nurse came over and saw the state of the poor girl. She quickly got a wheelchair to put her in and started asking us questions but all we could say is we found her, we didn't know anything about her at all. It's the truth but still felt like lying because we knew what had happened to her, or could at least give it a good guess.

We sat in waiting room while she was seen too. We knew it was stupid, we didn't know her, she didn't know us, but it felt like the right thing to do. I messaged Samara and Dean messaged Sam so they knew what was going on. After a few hours of 'public place safe' small talk the nurse we had seen when we came in came over to us. "She's awake and wants to speak to the people who found her, she's very weak so don't stress her or you are out" We looked at each other and followed the nurse.

We entered the girls room. "Hey we hear you wanted to speak to us? I'm Steph and this is Dean" "I'm Sophia and I need to know what happened to me" "What do you remember?" Dean asked. "I remember two men offering me a ride home. I refused and one of them got out and grabbed me. I got thrown in the back and taken to some weird place. Then they locked me in a room and they kept biting me. They said they were vampires but that's not a real thing right?" Sophia asked looking between us. Dean looked at me and I nodded slightly. "Yes it was real and you are lucky to be alive, but you are alive that's the main thing. Do you think you could describe the men for us?" "I don't remember much about them. I know one was dark haired and short and the other had blocs hair and was quite big" "Thank you, believe it or not that will help. We will leave you to rest up" I said. I walked out of the room with Dean.

We left the hospital and got into Deans car. "How many do you think we are looking at?" I asked. "Too many" "Do we take a risk going back to the house and seeing if they return?" "Let's do it! Hey where's Crowley gone?" Dean said. I hadn't even thought about him but I looked behind me anyway. I should have known he wasn't around when I'd gotten into the passengers side without a problem. "Let's just go he will find us if he wants us" I said. We drove back to the house with some Metallica blasting. We both sung along very loudly and laughed. It was a lot of fun and I think we both needed some of that after the last few days. I had a big grin on my face as I sang along to Enter Sandman.

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