The house Samara's P.O.V

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I drove Roxy with Castiel in the passengers seat and Sam in the back. I decided to put on some music. "What music do you like?" I asked Castiel. "I only know what Dean listens too and angel music" he responded turning red. How cute I thought. I will introduce him to some TLC. I put No Scrubs on and watched his face, then all I heard was Sam singing along loudly I couldn't help but laugh but I joined in anyway. Castiel looked very confused.

We pulled up at the house and got out of the car. I went to the trunk and opened it up. "Take your pick boys" I smiled. I grabbed a few stakes and two blades. Sam went for a crossbow and machete and Castiel just stuck with his angel blade. We were as prepared as we were going to be. We walked to the door together and entered the house. I told Sam to check the back and Castiel to check the front rooms while I would go upstairs. "Is splitting up a good idea?" Sam asked. "We will get this done quicker if we do" I responded. "I don't like this" Castiel said. "Well suck it up sunshine" I said smiling and walked up the stairs. They didn't follow so I assume they listened to me.

I get to the top of the stairs and listen for any movement. I feel the hairs standing up on the back of my neck. I pull a blade out and cautiously walk along the hall. I pass a closed door and listen. I can't hear anything. I go to open it and as it swings open a hand grabs my arm from behind. I slice at him and another hand comes from the room to silence me. Well this sucks.

The vampire holding my arm is short and stocky, he has dark hair and looks way too smug. The vampire that put his hand over my mouth wasn't visible to me. I yanked at my arm to free it and I got a nice gash on the stocky guy before his partner grabbed my other hand. I kept fighting, stamping on their feet and pushing. "Stop struggling sweetheart it will only make it worse" said the one behind. I go still and try not to throw up. I feel a hand creep up my thigh and kick out. Hard. "You weren't planning on using this were you?" He's holding my other blade. I raise my brow at him not able to speak.

He runs the blade across my stomach causing a shallow cut. I feel the blood start to drip. I use all my strength to headbutt the vampire behind me. He stumbles and loosens his grip on my mouth I shout "Castiel quick" I see Castiel running with Sam behind him. "You were right" I felt my head yanked away from him and heard a sickening crack, then complete darkness. I should have told Castiel how good he looked and I definitely should have kissed him..

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