So Rude!

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"What do you mean?" I asked Samara. "Are you stupid or something?" She replied sneering. "What's wrong with you?!" "Nothing until you came over" Dean grabbed my arm before I could respond, I looked up at him and he shook his head slightly. I sighed. He was probably right. "Okay we will sort this out later" I said turning away. I felt absolutely crushed but didn't want to admit it. Dean whispered in my ear "It's okay, I've been there"

We got in the car, I looked at Dean. "What do you mean you've been there?" I questioned. "Both Sam & I have been demons" he replied. I laughed until I saw his face "What?" "Crowley must have decided he wanted a new sidekick and thought we would all owe him if he picked Samara." "Well I owe him. She's my sister and I need her!" I almost shouted. "Of course! I would do anything for Sammy" He put his hand on my knee and smiled a little sadly, then started the car. "Can we find something to kill?" I asked sweetly. "Let's go!"

We drove for around an hour looking for predatory beings. We finally found a couple of demons to take it out on. Jackpot. Dean stopped the car and we got out, going straight to the trunk. Weapons time, maybe some holy water for a dash of torture, they probably deserved it. Dean had his blade and I was extremely jealous until he handed it to me. I looked up at him in shock. "Why?" I asked. "I think you need this more than I do right now" He said smiling. "Thank you" Dean whistled to get the attention of the demons and ran into nearest building, luckily it was abandoned, not sure how we would explain that one. I followed him making it look like we were sneaking off together rather than taunting them. I saw one of them smile as I went by, idiot.

I laughed as I entered the building, Dean grabbed me and kissed me hard. I was taken by surprise but not mad about it. He pulled back and said "No harm in making it a sneak away right?" Smiling like idiots we turned to watch the door. A few minutes later one of the demons entered. I threw holy water at him and Dean tied him up. We waited for his friend and we were not disappointed. He tried to sneak up behind us but we were ready and before long we had them both tied up. "Shall we get some info while we are here?" I asked Dean. "Sure, how's life being an evil son of a bitch?" Dean asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "How did you become a demon?" I asked them. One spat at me, lovely. "Shut up bitch we don't have anything to say to you!" "How about this one then? How do you feel about death?" I asked pulling out the blade Dean had given me. I made a small slice down the face of the one who spoke. He flinched before responding "You don't scare me!" I stabbed his friend, killing him almost instantly. "That's fine, not trying to scare you anyway" He looked at the smile on my face after killing his buddy and paled. "What?" I asked innocently. This was going to be fun.

After half an hour or so of questions and no answers I turned to Dean. "Anything you wanna ask?" "Do you happen to have any dirt on your precious king?" "Crowley is no king of mine! Lucifer is my king!" "Interesting. So do you have dirt or..?" "You aren't worthy of answering, Winchester" He said with disgust. "All yours Steph." I smiled at Dean and kissed his cheek. "Let's finish this and go back to motel" I stabbed the demon "See ya!" We left the house and got into the car. "Feeling better?" Dean asked. "I'm not sure really. I still feel a bit hurt but this helped. Thank you." "No problem" He took my hand and we drove back to the motel singing along to Metallica songs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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