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My eyes felt really heavy, I tried to open them without success. I decided to try listening for anyone around, I could hear someone breathing. I managed to open my eyes blinking a few times, the breathing was coming from Dean. "Hey idiot" I whispered. No response. I tried to move but my hands were tied and my feet, I could see Dean was in the same position.

I had no backpack but I should a have knife in my boots, hopefully. I tried to move my feet closer but I couldn't reach. I kicked my legs at Dean, which was hard to do with them together. He woke up groggy "hey Dean I need your help" I hated asking but this could be life or death scenario. "Can you turn and get the knife out of my boot and free us?" He looked at me confused and it took a minute for him to get it. "Yeah come closer" it took around 10-15 minutes for us to work together getting the knife out before we even tried the ropes. I turned round so Dean could cut at my ropes then I would return the favour. Just as the rope was fraying we heard a loud bang, we looked at each other and Dean sawed faster. I got my hands free and took the knife and put it back in my shoe and went to my spot. Best not to let them know .

Dego and Alexandria walked down the stairs laughing, probably at us. I gripped the knife tightly, resisting the urge to fly at them. "Well, well, well what do we have here? A Hunter and his little sidekick?" "Sidekick? SIDEKICK?!" Dean glared at me telling me to shut up. I was so mad. I kept quiet while fuming, wondering what they were going to try. Alexandria walked over and slapped me across the face, it took all my strength not to retaliate and show my hands were free. Dean shouted "get off her!" Dego walked over and kicked him in the ribs "Shut up! We are going to get some supplies to have fun with" he said with an evil smirk. I cringed but was glad they were leaving.

They walked through the door and I shuffled over to Dean I got the knife and cut my feet free then started on deans hands. The door opened and I froze. Damn! Dego hadn't noticed yet but I wouldn't be able to get back before he did. I kept working on freeing deans hand then I felt a hand grab my hair. Not successful. I dropped the knife by Dean as I was yanked backwards. I wish I had short hair but a bit late now. I punched and kicked as hard as I could, I turned myself round and attempted to free my hair from his iron grip, wasn't happening. I couldn't get a decent hit!!

I turned to see Dean had got to his feet but they weren't free his hands weren't quite free but he had his phone out and was turning it on. I could see it was cracked quite badly, I decided to use distraction tactics to try and help him out. I pretended to cry and go limp. Dego faltered and I lashed out and caught him right in the ribs. Alexandria came down the stairs as Dego punched me in the head, the last thing I saw before the darkness was Alexandria advancing on Dean.

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