Chapter 8

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The two men stood inside the conference room.

Manager : Are you sure she will be good for the job?

Senior Staff : Yes, she is doing this for the last 10 years, she will be a good substitute.

Manager : What about the background check? Did you do it?

Senior Staff : Yes this is her file, she has no bad record and has worked with many renowned people

The manger opens the blue file to read the details about the individual they are going to meet in a while.

Manager : Fine ask her to come in

A few minutes later, a woman enters the room. She had a naive face with short black hair,  average height but a bit healthy compared to an average girl. Her face was not the one to be remembered but her eyes...her eyes were different, it was as if her eyes had some secret of its own. Those green mystical eyes held Secrets which no one would dare to know about.

She stood there in front of the men which a blank face, hands by her side.

Manager: so you are Julia?

Yes.. Julia chang.

Manager : I see you are pretty experienced as a makeup artist.


Manager :hmm..ok so this is just a temporary job, one of our staff is actually not responding to her phone so we needed a substitute urgently

Please please let me go.. I beg you let me go...

The scenario from that narrow allay played in her mind.. poor soul..

"I can understand, its alright" smiled Julia.

Manager : we will brief about the work in a while till then you can rest. As per the protocol you will have to stay in the hotel with the team till the day of the concert.

Yes yes that is what I want

Manager : OK you can go now with Zack, he will show you your room.

She leaves the room with the staff member

Manager :Are you sure you did a thorough check on her background?

Senior staff :Yes hyung plus it's just a matter of a week.

Manager :Hmm OK yeah just a matter of a week.

They reach the 10th floor.

"so on the left hand side corner room no. 1013 will be your room" says zack

"are all the rooms allocated for staff?" she asks casually

"yeah we always book the entire floor, on the left side it's the staff and right is the boys and the producers and others" he says opening the door of her room

She looks at the narrow corridor that led to the other side of the floor.. The right side. Which one is your room which one

"Julia.. Umm Julia" he waves a hand infront of her to bring her out of her thoughts.

She looks at him sternly.

"umm your key and your room". He leaves handing her the key

She closes the door behind her and walks into the room filled with yellow lights.

She goes and stands infront of the mirror and sees a lady wearing a black pantsuit with silhouettes.

Slowly she touches the mirror.. Julia.
She grins.

Jungkook walks into the room and finds his TAE sitting in the balcony. There was still no news of yeontan and this was killing TAE. Even though he was doing all the rehearsals properly his mind wasjust stuck in one place and it was getting difficult for him to think about anything else.

Jk sees the gloomy face and decides its high time TAE cheers up.


Taehyung looks up and very softly says "hey" then he goes back to looking outside at the empty roads.

Jungkook takes a chair and sits beside him.

"I know TAE you are thinking about him"

"it's hard not to" taehyung looks down trying to hold back his tears.

Jk stays quiet for a moment and then says "you know how you always wanted to see London? Let's go"

He looks at jk with a faint smile "I can't.. I can't do anything till I find yeontan"

Jk holds his hand "I know I know TAE but if we go out you will have a fresh mind you will be able to think clearly.. Right now your mind is just blocked and you are not being able to think about anything"

"I can't jk"

"jk is right you know" both the boys turn around to see the rest of the 5 members standing in the room

"it's high time you get out of this hotel and take some fresh air" continues jin. Jin comes close to the boys and stands beside TAE, while jimin wraps his hands around his chest, resting his chin on Taehyung's shoulder.

"we all are extremely worried about him and lots of people are involved in the search, I promise you he will be with you soon." says namjoon who along with suga and hobi stands in front of the rest of the boys.

"you sitting here won't help with anything instead if you go out you will have a clearer mind" assures suga.

Jk tightens his grip on Tae's hand. TAE looks at him and he nods.

TAE looks at all his hyungs and looks at all of their eyes...eyes which held nothing but concern and love

"OK lets go" he says with a warm smile

"yaaayy London baby" yells Jimin hugging TAE from the back.

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