Chapter 24

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Taehyung was getting extremely tired from all the running. He couldn't let yeontan down because that little dog had his surgery so he won't be able to run so much. But he also knew that if yeotan is with him,Nora will kill him too.

He crouches down "Tan, I need to let you go but know that I love you okay?I love you so so much, please forgive me. Just go and save yourself okay?okay tannie go" he kissed his dog one last time and set him free.

With teary eyes he started to run again only to be stopped by a car.

A black range rover stops right infront of Taehyung. He slightly gets hut by it and falls on the concrete road.

The door of the car opens and a tall thin open in black dress comes out. He face now half covered in dried blood and her long hair all dishevelled.

She walks towards Taehyung who was lying on the road, face down

"I told you you are mine!!" She grabs his hair and yells

"How dare you run away from me??? NOW BE A GOOD BOY AND COME WITH ME QUITELY"

Taehyung quickly turns around and grabs her neck, chocking her tight

"I HAVE BEEN ENOUGH NICE WITH YOU" he says through gritted teeth

"Because I thought you are sick and you need help!!!But I was wrong I was so wrong!! You are nothing but a psycho killer who should rot in jail" he chokes her hard making it impossible for her to breathe.

Taehyung's attention diverts towards the police SUV coming towards them, he lets go of Nora and runs towards the car which immediately halts and the officers come out with guns in their hand.

Taehyung then stops and watches as another car stops right beside the police car.

His eyes glitters with fresh tears as he watches his hyungs step out of the car
And then he sees him

"Jungkook" he whispers

Jungkook couldnt believe his eyes after so many days he was finally seeing him....standing infront of him.

Taehyung was about to run towards Jungkook when they hear a gunshot and one of the police officers fall on the road

"One more step and the next one to fall will be him" says Nora as she places the gun beside Taehyung's head.

Jungkook's eyes widens in fear. He watches as death hovers above Taehyungs head ready to fall on him at any moment.

Taehyung's eyes meet with those of Jungkook and they both saw fear in each others eyes. One is afraid to lose the other forever while the other is afraid of not being able to be with the other anymore.

"Let him go" yells the officer as he points his gun towards nora

"Nooo!!" Nore cries as she was all in tears now "why does everyone want to take my love away from me??? WHY????" She screams

"I deserve to be happy and Taehyung is the only one who keeps me happy. Nobody nobody understands my love...why?? My love is special its its extra ordinary and it is all for him only" she wraps her arm around taehyung's shoulder who struggles to set free

"No no no my love dont do that"

"LET HIM GO" Yells jungkook

"Not a step forward Jungkook, not.a.step.forward" she presses the gun against taehyung

"This is not love Nora" Jungkook says in a quiverung voice "You cannot force someone to love you." He recalls how taehyung never forced him to love him instead gave him the liberty to just go.

"If you love someone you respect their choice and their decision. You prioritise their happiness above all and you want them to be happy. You dont make them suffer" he said everything while looking right into taehyung's eyes.

"You love him dont you!"nora says smirking blood stained on her teeth

"YES" Jungkook yells "I LOVE KIM TAEHYUNG"

Jungkook was at the verge of loosing his mind at that point. For years, he denied being in love with taehyung because he was scared that he would lose everything. But today,when he could see that taehyung might be taken away from him forever he realised he is HIS EVERYTHING. Nothing else mattered what only mattered was him.

"Too bad he is only mine" nora points the Gun at Jungkook now.

There was a loud gunshot making jimin close his ears and shut his eyes!! as he opens his eyes he sees blood on the road....

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